

配信日時: 2023-07-05 09:00:00

[Railway IoT] Meritech deploy Centra-IoT for Toho Denki Ind. Co., Ltd.'s remote monitoring and failure detection system for railroad crossings

(English Text Follows)

【2023年7月5日 東京】




「 VNETにより、鉄道会社は、踏切の異常を迅速に検知し、故障などの原因を特定することができます。踏切のダウンタイムの短縮や運用効率の向上に直接貢献することが期待でき、鉄道業界におけるDXを推進します。当社のビジョン実現に重要な役割を果たしてくれたメリテック様の協力に喜びを感じています。」と、東邦電機工業株式会社 代表取締役社長の村田章臣氏は述べています。

「東邦電機工業様のVNETのリアルタイムモニタリングシステムを支援し、鉄道セクターにおけるデジタルトランスフォーメーションの推進に協力できることを嬉しく思っています。メリテックの多様なソフトウェア開発能力は、企業のDX化の実装を効率化し、運用効率の向上とコスト削減に貢献します。」と、株式会社メリテック 代表取締役のサチデバ ハリッシュは述べています。


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[資料: https://files.value-press.com/czMjYXJ0aWNsZSM0NzM2IzMyMDgwNSM0NzM2X1NUWEVjQmFlbVkucG5n.png ]
[資料: https://files.value-press.com/czMjYXJ0aWNsZSM0NzM2IzMyMDgwNSM0NzM2X0lRdUV3UmtFdUQucG5n.png ]
日本を本社とし、インドと米国、ドイツにオフィスを構える日本を代表するモバイルネットワーク監視、パフォーマンス最適化、IoTソリューション企業です。 メリテックのIoTポートフォリオであるmonoZは、CAT-M1、NB-IoT、GSM / GPRS、BLE、およびWi-Fi技術に焦点を当てた、ローコード、時間の短縮、費用対効果の高い、ユーザーフレンドリーなIoTエコシステムを提供するワンストップソリューションです。

【TOKYO, July 5, 2023】

Today, Meritech's monoZ is pleased to announce successful deployment of 
Centra-IoT based VNET system for Toho Denki Ind. Co., Ltd.'s Railroad crossing monitoring ecosystem. This advanced VNET system enables real-time remote monitoring and failure detection in railway crossing by collection and analysis of railway gate diagnostic data from railroad crossing information memory (VAM) devices. By introduction of this system, railway companies will be able reduce downtime due to railroad crossing failures and improve the efficiency of railroad crossing operations.

VNET Features:

・Data Collection: VNET collects data in real-time from registered VAM devices. The collected data is stored in a database.
・Failure Detection: Incoming VAM data is checked for preregistered failure conditions and users are alerted upon detection of any failure.
・Data export: Custom API and CSV download enable export of selected data frame. This data is can be loaded to Toho Denki Ind.Co.,Ltd.`s specialized application for detailed analytics.

“VNET enables railway companies to quickly detect anomalies at railroad crossings and identify the cause of failures. It can be expected to directly contribute to reducing downtime at railroad crossings and improving operational efficiency, and will promote DX in the railway industry. We are delighted to work with Meritech for playing an important role in realizing our vision.”, said Akiomi Murata, President of Toho Denki Ind. Co., Ltd.

Harish Sachdeva, Group CEO of Meritech, expressed his excitement for the collaborationwith Toho Denki Ind. Co., Ltd and their VNET real-time monitoring system, stating, “We are thrilled to be a part of Toho Denki Ind. Co., Ltd.’s journey in promoting digital transformation (DX) within the railway sector. Meritech’s versatile software development capabilities will effectively facilitate the integration of their VNET system, leading to enhanced operational efficiency and significant cost savings.”

System Architecture

[資料: https://files.value-press.com/czMjYXJ0aWNsZSM0NzM2IzMyMDgwNSM0NzM2X3pxY2xXeUZmT2gucG5n.png ]
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[資料: https://files.value-press.com/czMjYXJ0aWNsZSM0NzM2IzMyMDgwNSM0NzM2X3JMRnBEVVZpUncucG5n.png ]
About Meritech:
Meritech Co., Ltd. is a leading mobile network monitoring, performance optimization, and IoT solutions company in Japan with offices in India, USA and Germany. monoZ, the IoT portfolio of Meritech, is a one-stop solution offering low code, less time, cost-effective, and user-friendly IoT ecosystem focusing on CAT-M1, NB-IoT, GSM / GPRS, BLE & Wi-Fi technologies.

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